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1-24M3 Per Day High Flow RO system

1-24M3 Per Day High Flow RO system

Regular price $0.00 Sale

Wh=eather you are needing a new system or wanting to upgrade your exsisting Ro production flow we can help.

What we do:

Replace unique membranes and housings with industry standard ones

Upgrade and install more membranes and increase flow output

Automate your system 

Introduce HMi interface for touch control of your water treatment plant

Bespoke systems / unusual layout need to squeeze things into a small space we can help. We have customised Ro filtration into parts in order to fit. If you think you don't have the space ask us first to look at your issue we can help.

All this and more.

Why us.

15yrs plus experience 

Affordable rates and affordable solutions we believe in value for money and our clients tell us too.

Quality and service 


  •  Compact Design.
  • Designed with Smart and Advanced System to meet all range of Industry RO applications.
  • Convenient Installation, User-friendly Operation and Easy Maintenance.
  • Reliable Performance and Operation Flexibility
  • Fully Instrumented with PLC (Siemens) for System Monitoring and Control.
  • Complete System Automatic Capability
  • Integrated with Port for Membrane CIP Cleaning